100 Haven Avenue Garage

Other services available at the 100 Haven Avenue Garage:

  • We offer four EV charging ports.
  • There is a bike rack located on the sidewalk in front of the garage that can hold 20 bicycles.
100 Haven Avenue Garage (Staffed/Open: 7 days a week, 24 hours a day)
100 Haven Ave
New York, NY 10032
United States

Tower 2 Lot parking staff

  • Luis Olivencia

    Luis has been with CUIMC for eight years. In his spare time, Luis enjoys jogging and swimming and he makes it a point to make people smile so that they start their day with a positive vibe.

    Luis' pro parking tip: "Treat customers as you would like to be treated and take care of their vehicle like is your own."

    Luis Olivencia
  • Henry Peña

    Henry has been a parking employee at CUIMC for nine months. 100 Haven Ave is his favorite place on campus and he enjoys going to the gym.


    Henry Peña
  • Guarino Mendoza

    Guarino has been working at CUIMC for four years. He likes playing sports and making music. His favorite place on campus is 100 Haven Ave.

    Guarino Mendoza
  • Juan Baez

    Juan has 11 months of experience working at CUIMC. He loves spending time with his family and traveling to different countries.

    Juan Baez
  • David Glover

    David has been a member of the CUIMC parking team for four years. He enjoys driving.

    David's pro parking tip: "Reverse into parking spaces."

    David Glover
  • Justin Neal

    Justin has been a parking employee at CUIMC for one year. He spends a lot of his free time working out in the gym.

    Justin's pro parking tip: "A little politeness goes a long way."

    Justin Neal