Public Safety

Public Safety maintains a secure and open environment at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, balancing the safety of all with the rights of the individual. The department strives to accomplish its mission while adhering to its core values of pride, professionalism, and service.
Safety Escorts Available
Did you know that you can request a safety escort to walk with you to your car or public transit on and around the CUIMC campus? This service is available 24/7, seven days a week. Please call 212-305-8100 and allow 10-15 minutes for the escort to arrive. You must show your Columbia ID.
This service is provided to all members of the CUIMC community by CUIMC Public Safety. The escort area is West 159th Street to West 168th Street, between Riverside Drive and Amsterdam Avenue, and from West 168th Street to 181st Street between Broadway and Haven Avenue.
Contact at the Medical Center
Non-emergency: 212-305-8100
Emergency: 212-305-7979
William Black Building
650 West 168th St., Room 109
New York, NY 10032