Accident Reporting and Investigation

If you are hurt on the job or have a job-related illness, be sure to take swift action: document, report, and then follow-up.

CUIMC Employees Reporting and Investigation

Within 24 hours of an injury or job-related illness, complete the Departmental Accident Report (.pdf). Your manager or designee must also complete his or her respective section. The Accident Report must be signed by both you and your manager. (Visit Human Resources for related information about occupational leaves.)

All managers must conduct a thorough investigation of any accident or near-miss incident. All incidents must be reported regardless of whether medical attention is sought or work time is lost.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) must be notified of any of the following:

  • Work-related fatality
  • Work-related in-patient hospitalizations of one or more employees
  • Work-related amputation
  • Work-related loss of an eye

Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for notifying OSHA on behalf of CUIMC Facilities Management and Campus Services if the incident meets any of the above criteria. Managers are responsible for informing EH&S in an extremely timely fashion, since OSHA must hear from Columbia University within 24 hours of us learning about the incident. Email

Campus Life Safety and Regulatory Compliance staff can assist a department in conducting an accident investigation and notifying EH&S with an OSHA-reportable event. We should be engaged for any necessary accident follow-ups, such as an unsafe condition that requires corrective action, instituting safety inspections, or retraining.

Contractor Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation

Contractors and service providers must also immediately report all incidents and injuries, including near misses, to their project manager or CUIMC liaison. A completed Contractor Incident Report Form (.pdf) must be completed within 24 hours of the incident. We will maintain documentation of all contractor illnesses and injuries.

As per 3310.8.2 (7) of the New York City Building Code, site safety coordinators and managers assigned to construction and renovation projects must immediately report incidents to the New York City Department of Buildings. The Site Safety Notification contact number is 212-566–3199.

The following incidents must be reported:

  • Any fatality
  • Any injury or near miss to a member of the public
  • Any worker injury requiring EMS treatment or hospitalization
  • Any worker fall (except for slips and trips)
  • Any property damage public or private
  • Any material failure or collapse
  • Any falling material or debris