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Hammer Building Advisory: Hot Water Temporarily Unavailable on Floors 8-16, July 12

Domestic hot water service is currently unavailable on floors 8 through 16 of Hammer Health Sciences Center due to emergency repairs. 

  • During this time, hot water will be unavailable on the affected floors. 
  • Cold water will remain available throughout the building. Therefore, water fountains and refill stations, toilets, and cold water faucets will still function normally.


It is suggested that all laboratory work with hazardous materials–including chemicals, biological, and radiological materials—in Hammer be suspended while water service is unavailable due to the lack of available water for emergency eyewashes, handheld deluge hoses, and overhead emergency showers. Laboratories should perform their routine, weekly performance test on each emergency eyewash and handheld deluge hose once water services resume normal operations to verify proper equipment function.

We are actively working to resolve this issue and will provide another update at approximately 4 p.m. today. For questions or concerns, please contact John Hession, plant superintendent, jkh2149@columbia.edu.


We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to improve our facilities.