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Georgian Bldg. Steam Shutdown: Monday, July 31

Steam systems will be temporarily unavailable throughout the Georgian Building from 8:30 a.m. until approximately 5 p.m. on Monday, July 31 due to emergency repairs to the boiler.


During this time, there will be no hot water, sterilization, autoclaves, steam tables, or dishwashers available throughout the building. Please keep hot water faucets closed during this time and run water for several minutes prior to use once service is restored. Once work is completed, please allow faucets to run for 3-4 minutes to ensure constant flow and pressure. Water may appear brown at first, but will turn clear as it continues to run.


Heat will also be disrupted, and occupants may experience unusually cold temperatures while the work is being completed. Eyewash devices and overhead emergency shower units will be functional, but will be supplied with cold water only. Accordingly, please consider limiting research operations that have significant potential for splash or face and bodily exposure during the shutdown.

For questions or concerns, please contact us at cumc.facilities@cumc.columbia.edu.