Meet Fred Arce

We all call him Fred or Freddie. Alfred "Fred" Arce has been a devoted CUIMC employee for nearly three decades. His current role is assistant director, Facilities Engineering and he has been serving in Facilities Engineering since 2005. Fred oversees the day-to-day engineering operations, including all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems. He is also a primary trainer to new engineering staff across the CUIMC campus. We are grateful for Freddie's exceptional service to Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

Fred Arce

As an engineer, what have you seen impact CUIMC?

Being here for 29 years, I have seen this great institution go through floods, hurricanes, winter storms, fires, and most recently COVID, but still CUIMC continues to make great strides in research and academia.

What has been your favorite part about working here?

The way our teams continue to work together for the better good, how our relationships have grown throughout the years, and how we are constantly working with new technology.

Who has made the greatest impact on you during your time here?

I don’t think it would be one specific person. When I started, I was fortunate to be able to work with a group here that took me in and gave me the opportunity to learn more on systems that I didn’t even know existed! I would say all my employees and co-workers have inspired me and have made the biggest impact on me.

How have you changed during your time here?

I am eternally grateful to Columbia University for putting their faith and trust in me, and I feel an obligation to pass it forward. CU has shown me that everyone deserves an opportunity to advance. That is why I feel it is my duty to help, guide and train all that look to advance in our department.