Meet Fernando Bedoya

A local in every way, Fernando Bedoya, associate director of Capital Project Management, has lived in Washington Heights for 37 years. He has been part of the CUIMC community since 2010 and most days, you can find him commuting to work on his bicycle. Fernando started his career at 18 years old in an office making blue prints and performing other tasks and this summer he completed a massive construction project for Columbia University's Department of Ophthalmology. He says that he always wanted to be an architect, and then he told us that "dreams do come true." Check out what else he had to say.

Fernando Bedoya

What is your most memorable CUIMC moment?

My most memorable moment was being hired back on 2010. I always wanted to work for Columbia or NYP.

What is your favorite thing about Washington Heights?

I love everything about Washington Heights, especially the diversity. The area is vibrant and pulsating with so much culture. I love the architectural structures of some of the buildings around Fort Washington, Cabrini, and Bennett. There is so much history engraved in this small city.

Who has been a role model to you?

My mother was an exemplary woman who taught me perseverance, hard work, ethical behavior, and the meaning of never giving up. She has and will forever be a role model, her love for people and nursing motivated me to work in a hospital setting.

What brings you joy/something that makes you smile

My family, I love spending time with my wife and children and seeing their growth in life.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t be so hard on yourself and never give up. Enjoy life!

What superpower would you choose for yourself?

Time travel. I would love to learn more about past generations and experience different eras.

How would you describe yourself in one word? Why?

Authentic - because I am true to my values, my own personality, and spirit. I’m very honest and real, as well.