Meet Christine Jennette
Christine Jennette, also known as CJ, started her journey in Facilities on a cold snowy January day 10 years ago (2014). As the customer experience manager, she oversees the Facilities Customer Service Center and works with her Facilities teammates to address problems around campus. Known to be adventurous, CJ is always willing to try something new, including participating in Faces of Facilities.
What is your favorite thing about your current role?
My coworkers! Aside from my dogs, Cookie Dough and Oreo, my colleagues bring me joy (especially Prerana Shidhaye and Rachell Burgos, lol). I enjoy coming to work every day to work with everyone in our office. It’s good energy.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Scuba diving- I love to travel. It allows me to discover new cuisines, cultures and underwater environments. I’m also good at computer programming and grew up horseback riding. I started playing the flute when I was in 3rd grade; it was always my dream to play at Carnegie Hall.
Who has been a role model to you?
My mom, Jeannine Jennette, able to excel in a predominantly male dominated field and I have always looked up to her because of that.
Is there any advice you'd give your younger self?
Take the chance. Take initiative to go do things, even if they scare you.
What’s something that people would be surprised to learn about you?
I was a cheerleader! I can still cartwheel and used to be able to backflip.
What would you say your spirit animal is and why?
My spirit animal is a shark. They never stop moving and are always on the go. They are often misunderstood creatures- they can be seen as intimidating, but at the end of the day, they just want to be loved.
What is something you are looking forward to in the new year?
I am looking forward to earning my master’s degree in Cybersecurity.